

Barbara Kirklauskas '60 InHER圈子演讲者系列

培养慷慨:建设慈善文化 & 服务




Christienne K. Bik '94, J.D. 主持人

Christie joined Fallon Health in 2011 and currently leads its government relations department. 在这个角色中, her focus on strategic public policies and government relations opportunities to support and promote Fallon Health’s business objectives and mission. 在加入Fallon之前, Christie spent 8 years in the Worcester County District Attorney’s Office as an Assistant District Attorney. Other previous positions Christie has held include legislative assistant for Congressman James P. 麦戈文和州代表罗伯特·斯派兰的立法助理.

Christie is a graduate of American University and received her Juris Doctor from Suffolk University Law School. 她是马萨诸塞州律师协会的成员. In 2007, Christie was a recipient of the Massachusetts District Attorney Association’s Spotlight Award, 2014年, 她被伍斯特商业杂志评为40岁以下40人奖. Christie has served on the YWCA’s Board of Directors for over ten years and is currently its Board President.

She also sits on the Boards of the New England Council and the Massachusetts Association of Health Plans. Christie lives in Shrewsbury, MA with her husband, Paul Belsito and their daughter, Isabelle.



Elizabeth Condron graduated from 世界杯app软件推荐 in 2000 and went on to receive her BA in Criminal Justice from Saint Anselm College. 毕业后, Elizabeth began work as a Victim Witness Advocate for the Worcester County District Attorney’s Office. Currently, Elizabeth works at Pine Street Inn as the Senior Director of Donor Engagement.

During her 14 years working at Pine Street Inn she has held positions in corporate relations, 志愿者管理, 紧急避难所行动,目前正在筹款. 伊丽莎白获得了许多社区奖项, 她最近在圣安瑟伦学院任教, 校友正义奖和马萨诸塞州初审法院, 黛安·哈尔普林服务奖.

Elizabeth currently resides in Worcester with her partner of 15 years and six year old son.

Julie Lian McDonald '89, 专家

Julie is a graduate of 世界杯app软件推荐, Syracuse University, and resides in Paxton, MA.

在伍斯特出生长大, Julie always had a heart for helping others in the community and an awareness for those less fortunate. 作为志愿者在当地的几所学校,90%的低收入人口, Julie witnessed the lack of access many of these young children had to food when they left the school building, 因此,她决定将自己的热情转化为切实可行的解决方案. 朱莉创立了瞻博网络拓展基金会, a non-profit organization whose mission is to build food pantries in local schools where the need is the greatest.

Juniper Outreach currently operates 6 school pantries in the city of Worcester, which allow students direct access to food to bring home for the nights and weekends. 超越了她作为创始人的角色, 她一直致力于与当地企业建立合作关系, 政府机构, 以及其他非营利组织, fostering a collaborative spirit that amplified the impact of their efforts.

保拉·罗伯特·布什,1982年, 专家

从NDA毕业后, 宝拉就读于斯通希尔学院, 1986年获得工商管理学士学位. She has worked in the insurance field as an underwriter at Health Plans, Inc. 以及Allmerica Financial. 在抚养孩子的过程中,宝拉成为了她的志愿者
教堂,圣礼. During this time she played an active role in many church led activities such as a singer in the choir, 宗教教育教师, 教区议会成员和圣体牧师.

It was at Blessed Sacrament where she first became involved with the Church’s ministry to the Mustard Seed Catholic Worker, 一个致力于帮助无家可归和饥饿的人的家和汤厨房, 位于伍斯特的皮埃蒙特街. 此时此刻, she was facilitating the meals that Blessed Sacrament was preparing for the Mustard Seed. 随着时间的推移,她的参与越来越多,她被邀请加入董事会.  随后, 她担任财务主管一职,并一直延续至今, 除了她每周的志愿活动. The Mustard Seed has changed the trajectory of her life and enhanced her life as a Catholic.

Paula also volunteers at UMASS UMass Memorial Medical Center helping individuals (like herself and her family members) with living donor transplants, 通过帮助他们找到合适的肾脏. 她还维护牛顿广场的扶轮社, (a project she has enjoyed for the last 7 years) and enjoys working with a group from Blessed Sacrament, 三一路德, 以及阿斯森特里亚的组织, to assist a family who has recently arrived from Afghanistan with enrolling in school, 接受治疗, 适应美国的生活. 


Danielle Perron Sikonski ' 04 专家

从NDA毕业后, Danielle attended Assumption College where she received a degree in Human 服务s. She then began working as a Fundraising and Events Manager at Why Me/Sherry’s House, a local non-profit organization that provides support services to families who have a child with cancer.   

Still at Why Me, Danielle now serves as the organization’s Director of Family 服务s. In this position her responsibilities include meeting with families upon their child‘s diagnosis, 协调支助服务和医院外展, 并为各种家庭支持团体提供便利.  

Over the years Danielle has served as a Love in Action supervisor for many NDA students. 另外, she has come back to campus several times to share the important role Love in Action and 世界杯app软件推荐 has played in her career. 

丹妮尔在2012年获得了NDA青年校友奖. Worcester Magazine named her a Hometown Hero for her work at Why Me and in 2016 she was a recipient of the Worcester Rotary Club's 服务 Above Self Award. Danielle and her husband, Michael, have three young children William, Clara, and Lucy.