器乐合奏 – the largest ensemble consisting of all school instrumentalists including string, 键盘, wind and percussion players; performs at all concerts.
爵士乐团 - usually traditional jazz instruments (萨克斯风s, 小号s, 长号s & 节奏部分),但也可以包括长笛, 单簧管, 弦乐演奏家和其他乐器演奏家-在所有音乐会和其他社区活动中表演,包括爵士比赛.
室内管弦乐队 -主要是弦乐器,但也可能包括管乐器和键盘手-在所有的音乐会上表演.
长笛合唱团 – consists of 长笛 players (piccolo, alto 长笛, etc.) -在所有的音乐会上表演.
吉他合奏 –players at all levels from beginning to advanced – performs at all concerts.
打击乐合奏 –all levels of players, from beginning to advanced – performs at all concerts.
IN ADDITION – The program offers private lessons in the following instruments: voice, 钢琴, 长笛, 单簧管, 萨克斯风, 小号, 法国号, 长号, 小提琴, 中提琴, 大提琴, 低音提琴, 吉他, 所有的打击乐器. These lessons can take place during free periods and after school times.
这个俱乐部将在周二和周四放学后的下午2:45 - 3:30在音乐室开会.
顾问:先生. 约翰逊